1. Kunihiko Member

    Paypal is gone wrong

    Topic posted on: 27-12-2016 at 11:50

    When I tried to purchase your hosting service (Starter NL), I used my credit card via Paypal. I don't have Paypal account, so I tried to pay as guest.

    Things was gone wrong. After I inputted card number and address, Paypal displayed another pages to input card number and address again, obstructed my payment.

    I show you the details.

    At first, Paypal asked my card number and address at "modern looks" webpage. URL is like this.
    https://www.paypal.com/webapps/xoonboarding?country.x=[country code]&exp=guest&flow=1-P&locale.x=[locale code]&token=[tokenID]#/checkout/guest

    After I tried to checkout, Paypal redirected me to "old looks" webpage, asked my card number and address again ! URL is like this.

    Same problem also reported from other Paypal users.


    Due to this incident, I had to cancel my orders three times. I have already posted ticket to sales department, but they don't reply anything. Please don't ignore it.

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